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A "Fam" (Family) is a gathering of people who do Krump in which one can generally find a " Big Homie " (the supervisor/mentor of a Fam) and " Little (Lil) Homies " (dancers under the tutelage of a Big Homie). It's like a team/group but with closer and personal ties.


Each Lil Homie has a "rank" which somehow represents their "status" in the Fam relative to the Big Homie. For example, in the "Bad Liks" Fam we have "Big Bad Liks" which is the "Big Homie" of the Fam. Then we have his different Lil Homies like for example: “Jr Bad Liks”, “Kid Bad Liks”, “Lady Bad Liks”, etc.


Generally in a "Fam", the grades are given by the Big Homie. It is also possible that the Big Homie consults all the members of the Fam before giving a rank to a new member.


Grades are chosen according to different criteria such as:

  • Level

  • Involvement in the "Fam" and in the Krump Game

  • The emotional bond

  • The dance style

  • The personality


Generally a Krumper who wants to be part of the Fam must be "Caged" to be able to enter it.


A "Cage" is when a whole group of Krumpers compete against a single individual in order to make him pass a skill test. This is usually done as part of an "initiation".


Today, thanks to the evolution of the Internet and means of communication, members of the same Fam can live in different countries and even different continents. But despite this, the Lil Homie still has to prove himself and defend his Fam's reputation.


Regarding the "hierarchy of ranks", initially the "highest" rank in a Fam was that of "Baby". “Junior (Jr)” and “Little (Lil)” came later.


Things then evolved and many other ranks were added on the men's side and on the women's side.


Below is a basic and fairly recognized hierarchy:


At men's

  • Big (Fam's mentor)

  • Deuce (“the second”, “the equal”)

  • Twin (“the twin”)

  • Junior (Jr) / JDash (J-) / JDot (J.)

  • Little (Lil)

  • Young

  • Baby

  • boi

  • Kid

  • Tiny

  • Child

  • infant

  • Prince


In women

  • Queen

  • Lady

  • Sista

  • Girl

  • Princess


There are also other grades that are created and given to highlight a particularity in the dance of a member of the Fam such as:

  • Monsta

  • soulja

  • X (Ugly Fate was the first to receive the "X" grade: "Style Ripper X & Badd Guy X")

  • Killa (Flipside was the first to receive the "Killa" rank: "Killa Style Ripper")

  • Rowdy

  • Ghost

  • goon

  • Titan


It is important to note that today, the hierarchy of ranks in a Fam is done quite differently depending on the Big Homie. Each Fam may have its own way of doing things. It should also be mentioned that now there are also women occupying the place of Big Homie (for example "Needlez aka Lady NY", "Drickx aka Girl Grichka" or "Queen aka Queen BuckHype").


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