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Amp/Liveness (adj.) - Describes a high level of intensity and excitement and is also the highest of the three intensity levels through which dancers attempt to progress during a session (Krump, Buck, Amp). The Amp is a state of high excitement and a place where technical dance is transcended by emotion. This is the point in the dance where you can have a spiritual experience. "Dude, that move you did made me amp!"


Amp ups (n.) - Movements performed by a dancer to increase intensity and which are used primarily during competition. These movements are important because the dancer's goal is to achieve the highest level of intensity possible. Indicates the strong connection/interaction between the dancer and the crowd. "I just want to amp up!"


Arm Swings (n.) - Basic arm movements that are fundamental to Krump dancing. Arm movements are often named after the activity they resemble, such as "throwing a baseball".


Army move (n.) - Group moves that occur during a Krump session. These moves are usually improvised and can appear during any Krump session, battle, or other competition. The "army moves" are not prepared in advance or premeditated and appear very powerful and intimidating


Beef (nf) - A battle between arrogant and humble people during a Krump battle. While "animosity" is personal, a beef only happens on the dance floor, and emotions are usually left on the dance floor after a session is over.


Big Homie (n.) - The supervisor of a Krump family, this person is often a mentor in dance and spiritual matters. The Big Homie can also be a father figure for Krumpers from single-parent families.


Buck (n.) - The second of three intensity levels the Krumpers achieved during the competition. This is when the persona/character is identified and it involves a flawless execution of the character. This is the part of the dance where you tell a story through your character, and at this level a dancer demonstrates what makes them goofy, antagonistic, etc. This term is also used to describe a moment or movement that is "breathtaking".


Buck ups (n.) - Dance moves that are performed to bring a dancer to the second of three intensity levels (Krump, Buck, Amp). "Buck ups" are known to require heightened body awareness and can be characterized as "organized confusion" on the dance floor. They tend to happen spontaneously and bring an element of excitement to a routine.


Bump Fakeout (n.) - A tactic employed by the Krumpers to surprise both their opponents and the crowd. This style involves executing a move almost to the end and switching to another move at the very last moment. This movement is very popular with spectators.


Character/personage (nf) - Character endorsed by a Krumper to express different dance styles and a variety of emotions. It can be described as the sum of technique and attitude. Characters can be loud, goofy, dominant, etc., and are expressed through clothing and body language. A dancer's character becomes apparent during the second of three levels of intensity (Buck). It is often mistakenly thought that a person can embody different characters. This is not true, although a dancer may have different attitudes in their character. For example, Tight Eyez can express different attitudes such as crude, trash talker, arrogant, bully, or rude boy, but all within the character of Tight Eyez. In this case, the viewer sees the attitude, but the character is still Tight Eyez.  


Cage (v) - 1. 'to be caged' When a dancer is caged, a whole team challenges him to pass a skill test. This is usually done as part of an initiation.


Fake Out Moves (n.) - Dance moves performed to confuse and surprise one's opponent and spectators. These moves often lead to “Kill-Offs”.


Fam (Family) (nf) - a group of people who have a personal relationship. A Krump family is a group of people who do Krump and includes Big Homies and Little Homies; it's like a team but much more personal.


Footwork (adj.) - The rapid movement of a dancer's feet used to move from point to point. This technique is only used by advanced Krump dancers and is a technical movement requiring a lot of finesse and balance.


Gully (n.) - An infamous character who embodies a "dominant/superior", a typical New York City attitude.


Kill Off (n.) - Any move or combination of moves that ends a session or battle. These "finishing moves" are non-verbal ways of letting their opponent know they have been defeated, and are often a dancer's strongest moves.


Lab (n.) - Short for "laboratory", this is a place where dancers create and practice moves in preparation for competition. It's also a place where Krump families exchange ideas.


Lil' Homie (nf) - A dancer under the tutelage of a big homie.


Looky Loos (n.) - Male or female fans who attend competitions but do not participate with other spectators (they do not hype). Looky Loos are different from groupies because they don't seek out artists.


Power Moves (nf) – Raw "arm swings", "chest-pops" and other aggressive moves that come with the "Power" style. Technically, these moves require the dancer to squeeze everything out through one part of the body.


Rounds (n.) - As in a boxing match, "rounds" refer to the subdivisions of a fight. If a dancer uses the phrase "I want to do rounds", they are requesting an extension of the duration of a competition.


Serve (adj.) - Describes a move or dancer that is "suck" or "wack". Often a dancer who "serves" uses moves that are outdated. (v.) He uses old moves during a competition.


Session (n.) - A Krump event where dancers, biters, copy-cats, looky loos and groupies are in attendance. It's the place where everyone comes to express their different styles, their ideas, and where the battles take place. Sessions tend to be less organized, like a "jam session" of musicians or a "cypher rap" of MCs.


Tag Team (n.) - (1) Any 2v2 Krump competition.

(2) A premeditated move performed by 2 or more dancers.


Tiny Littles (Krump Babies) (n.) - Krumpers under the age of four.


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